Album Reviews

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E = MC - And What ! ! ! (Album Review)



E=MC, Canadian born desi rapper.. signed up to Untouchables record label. AND WHAT ! ! will be Untouchables Fourth major release this year, and to be honest the label is much reaching its decline stage. After poor showings of RDB – Three, Urban flavas 3 and just recently DJ H  - The Debut, they give us the sequel to one of the highlights of last year. E=MC smashed it last year with hit tracks such as ‘Mahi Ve Mahi’ , ‘Nachna Tereya’ and ‘Tere Mere’.

The album features such artists as ; Surinder Billa, Laddi Bath, Salamat, Laddi Sandhu.

More surprisingly is that Mr Lehmber is not included, so is this something new and fresh from the Untouchables camp? Read on and find out!

We start off with the ‘Intro’, yeah not much to say, just a instrumental with a few words from E=MC, pointless really.

Now, we arrive onto the real first track, labeled  ‘Sahelia Nu’, this track has been sung by local midlands singer Surinder Billa, it starts off with a slow intro, but powering into a track which can only be described as Mahi Ve Mahi Part 2. The track itself shows of E=MC’s piano skills, as he has fully produced the track and the whole album ( no RDB ghost production? Take some lessons Mr DJ H! ). The vocals are quality on this track, but it lacks something to make it as big as its predecessor. A good start never the less!

Moving onto track 2, ‘Pyaarae’, a slow soulful tune sang by Tej Gill, this track is proberly one of the best tracks on the albums, not for its slick production, but for its meaningful lyrics. E=MC has stated that this track is going out to some certain individuals who he has recently parted company with, over money issues! Now, this is RDB, and were have we heard before about RDB parting company with individuals over money issues? (cue Mr Metz n Trix ). The track is powerful one, with deep and meaningful lyrics! Listen carefully RDB!

Hindi tracks have suddenly become popular in the untouchables camp, with RDB – Three UF3 all featuring Hindi tracks. ‘Dholna’ features the Pakistani singer Salamat, the production features soulful tabla beats, although this track is decent, it certainly does not have the replay factor of the previous two! Bollywood?...ill pass!.

Now onto the best track on the album, ‘Nakhrey’ … production wise, this track shows off what E=MC is all about, smooth crisp upbeat  bhangra, with your usual ‘woooo’ and ‘yeeeeuh’ coming from E=MC. The song itself is sang by Tej Gill, The track features great pieces of tabla, dhol and a kickin tumbi. Now as you listen to the track you will notice a ‘bruuuaah’ in and out.. as though it been said my a gimp… ok it sounds abit different.. but as you listen throughout the album, this same loop will  be repeated almost on 5 different tracks.. by the end of the album. you will be screaming!

Akh Naal has been sang by the fast rising singer Binder from the untouchables camp, one of their better vocalists and hugely talented! The track features MD and E=MC both rapping over it. Binder vocals once again are faultless, however the production is almost lifeless, not much you can do with this track, filler anyone? Notice the annoying gimp noises ;)

Skit , now this boliyaan skit… pure quality… it deserves a track title on its own. Hardcore live singing, with the live dholki and vaaja, totally kickin this track!

Maybe this was constructed after one too many bacardis and cokes!

Onto the next track ; Nachana, sang by Laddi Bath, who hails from New york! This track has more of a dark and moody track. Featuring a new artist called Robby Kaila. It seems as though laddi bath’s voice has had some effects put onto it… totally ruining his voice! Notice the gimp bruuuah once more…. Average track, does nothing for me.

Now the next track  Jatt Dhe Donalli  features the the whole of the F*A*U*J crew on this . Tej Gill with the vocals and M.D with the rapping. The beat is a hot one! This track got my head nodding, its sounds good not hearing some shitty UK MC on a bhangra track. NA Desi rappers are surging ahead right now.. and this track proves it. The production is once again more on the dark tip, not a dance track, just another track….after 2minutes I decide to forward!

Mull Lagda; sang by Surinder billa with once again M.D. the track starts off with a piano beat followed by some tabla loops. This track is more a mellow track, with E=MC throwing in a hook. Another track which is basically pointless.

Now since the skit, things have been going downhill can ‘Tumba’ change the downhill trend? Well, E=MC has moved away from the previous dark tracks and tried to go out on a desi number, notice the gimp in there once again!lol. the track has been sang by Laddi Sandhu hailing from East London. His voice is pretty shagged, although there was some nice flute played midway throughout the track. By the time this track had finished.. I couldn’t handle hearing that gimp bruuah any more! Another average track.

Jatt Dhe Mood’ sees Binders second appearance on the album, now I actually look forward to a a Binder track. This track is very well, with a simple beat accompanied by a dhol and tumbi, one of the better tracks on the album, defiantly gets my feet taping!

Onto the last real track labelled ‘Dat Banga’… this track is basically E=MC letting the industry know about his new crew F*A*U*J. I have to say the beat on this track is lively, a pure rap track letting the world know about E=MC.


Well, there it is, E=MC second album…. Fully produced by the man himself. After listening to his previous album .. I was looking forward to this album, but iv been left disappointed! Untouchables seem to be going more and more downhill, although I have to say E=MC has shown glimpses of some real production talent on here – Nakhrey and some real vision with tracks such as Pyaarea. But to put it simply there are too many album fillers and too many ‘forwards’ on this album, the highlights are: Pyaarea, Nakhrey ,Sahelia Nu. This album simply looses your intrest after Nakhrey as I found myself drifting off to lifeless tracks. The album.. another disappointment from the Untouchables camp… 5/10.