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Introducing Norway's Asi Khan

Asi Khan
Asi khan

The rapper Asi Khan was born and raised in Norway. He started rapping in 2003 with CN Crew which had 7 members from different ethnic background and was the main reason for their band name, Colourful Nation also known as CN Crew. The collective is now known as Streetlogic after 4 members left. They rap in languages as Norwegian, Persian and Punjabi. Lately Asi Khan has been focusing more and more on his own solo music. He has always been connected with his roots and that's why to rap in Punjabi is a choice he made.


Asi Khan stepped his foot into the underground of Desi-music with a debut on Fauji Djs Mixtape 'Hip-hop Vol1' which was released towards the end of February 2007. In April 2007 Asi Khan was announced as a Future Friction on The BBC UK Asiannetwork charts. He did get all titles as the week’s newcomer, one of the top 5 on their charts and the Artist of the week which means Future Friction. This helped Asi Khan very much with his music and it got easier to reach out to people. Since then Asi Khan been appearing on different sites on internet and different mixtapes.

Asi Khan have been influenced by a lot of music from back home, Bollywood music, Qawali, Bhangra and living in the west he been jamming and feeling hiphop music which describes the reality. So he took together two things which was important for him, his roots and the reality and he came up with Desi hiphop.