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Dharam Seva Records Present Treasure Of Raags

We have been working on this project for a few years and with the Grace of Guru Nanak Dev Ji we are nearing the release of Treasure Of Raags. The vocals are all by Bibi Ashupreet Sisters and Jatha.

This project reflects the deep core philosophy of Dharam Seva Records. The Shabad is the highest of the high for all Sikhs.

We will be doing educational posts on the importance of Raags and Raag Kirtan as a theme for education along with this release.

Our Gurus wrote Divine Shabads in Raag for a reason. Those Raags will be presented to you with a fresh approach.

So much effort is put into music releases across the world but Kirtan is truly the Treasure in World Music.

All proceeds from this release will go to Dharam Seva Records Registered UK Charity and those proceeds witll trigger more productions like this.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh