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Jaswinder Daghamia Shoutout!

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{flvremote divid="SB Big Up Videos/JaswinderDaghamia.flv " popup="true" autostart="true" img="" showstop="true" width="840" height="500" usefullscreen="true" stretch="3"} Big Up Videos/JaswinderDaghamia.flv {/flvremote} {avrpopup type="lightbox" id="SB Big Up Videos/JaswinderDaghamia.flv "}Click here to turn the lights down!{/avrpopup} recently caught up with fantastic vocalist Jaswinder Daghamia; the man behind the hit singles 'Pegg'. 'Gabru Gulab Warga', 'Chutki' & many more! Check out the short video featuring an awesome vocal display by Jaswinder Daghamia!